Isah Haruna and Ibrahim Sani, two men who sodomised seven boys in Jigawa State, were given life sentences.

Judge Muhammad Abubakar Sambo of the Jigawa State High Court, presiding over the proceedings in Dutse, handed down a life sentence to Haruna for the sodomization of a fourteen-year-old boy.

On May 2, 2023, the defendant was charged with rape in violation of Jigawa State’s Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Law 2021, Section 3.

According to the case’s circumstances, on June 10, 2022, the 14-year-old kid was enticed by the offender to a retail plaza in Gwaram Sabuwa, Gwaram Local Government Area, Jigawa, where they had anal intercourse against the natural order.

While the defendant testified in his defence, Sunusi Sani, the prosecution’s attorney, called five witnesses and submitted exhibits against the defendant.

According to the presiding judge, Isa Haruna was found guilty and given a life sentence since the prosecution had proven all the elements of the sodomy charge against the defendant.

In a different ruling, Ibrahim Sani of Kiyako Village, Birnin Kudu Local Government, was found guilty and given a life sentence for sodomising six boys by the High Court No. 6, which was presided over by Justice Musa Ubale in Birnin Kudu.

The convict was arraigned before the court on six counts charges of sodomy.

He was alleged to have sodomised six boys aged between 11 to 16 years, by having unlawful anal intercourse with them against the order of nature. The offence was contrary to section 284 (1) of the Penal Code (Miscellaneous Amendments) Law No. 09, 2014.

The prosecution counsel, Yahaya Abdullahi, in proving the case against the defendant, called seven witnesses, tendered four exhibits and finally closed his case while the defendant testified in his defence.

Justice Musa Ubale while delivering the judgment, held that the prosecution had proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt and sentenced Ibrahim Sani to life imprisonment.