Lack of Communication: Poor communication or avoiding important conversations can create misunderstandings and distance.

Selfishness: Always putting your needs and desires above your partner’s can lead to resentment and unhappiness.

Disrespect: Treating your partner with disrespect, including belittling, mocking, or ignoring their feelings, damages trust and emotional well-being.

Neglect: Neglecting your partner’s emotional, physical, or mental needs can lead to feelings of abandonment.

Controlling Behavior: Exerting excessive control over your partner’s actions or choices can be toxic and harmful.

Dishonesty: Lying or being deceitful erodes trust, which is essential for a healthy relationship.

Lack of Support: Failing to support your partner during difficult times can make them feel unsupported and alone.

Negativity: Constantly criticizing, complaining, or being pessimistic can create a negative atmosphere in the relationship.

Unwillingness to Compromise: Refusing to compromise or always needing things your way can lead to conflicts and resentment.

Ignoring Boundaries: Disregarding your partner’s boundaries or personal space can make them feel uncomfortable or violated.