Domestic violence is a nightmare which is seeped into reality and becomes a controversial topic when brought to the spotlight especially when a celebrity is involved.

When you bring up the name Mercy Aigbe and domestic violence you get a flood of information, stories and report. The story started on the popular social media platform Instagram, where Mercy Aigbe posted a picture on the 28th of April 2017 with the caption “say no to domestic violence…” It sparked questions and suspicion which the actress tried to shut down by later sharing a picture of her and husband Lanre Gentry which she took down moments later following harsh comments by fans and followers on her IG page. She was later spotted after the event covered in makeup with little trace of the incident.
The rocky marriage of mercy Aigbe became a trending topic last week escalating to three people arrested for harassment and a restraining order was secured against her husband.
According to reports, on the 5th of May MercyAigbe showed up at the Area F police station in response to invitation by police only to meet the absence of her husband Lanre Gentry who however came out to media to deny battering his wife, also claiming that the actress/business woman has been going through mental disorder pilled with accusations of infidelity.

Mercy Aigbe also took to the media changing her handle from @mercyaigbegentry to @realmercyaigbe with an exposing e-letter, pictures evidence of the incident and followup scanning procedure done to prove the extent of the abuse, a harsh reality check to the shy topic of domestic violence which can happen to anyone even in the most seemingly stable relationship.

We the Hoped this will not be another case of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE been swept under the rug… which has become the norm in our society..
This is a lesson to everyone that the seemingly most perfect couple might not be so perfect after all.
Let’s share and raise awareness!!