A man has been found guilty of manslaughter after he put his drunk girlfriend in a hot bath until her skin peeled off.

Mark Clowes, 53, placed 42-year-old Clare Bell into the water before later helping her out of it after she has been badly scalded.

A court heard she was incapable of doing it herself.
Afterwards, Clowes failed to get her any help despite noticing that her skin was coming off.

She was placed in the bath at around 11am on August 9, 2020, and it wasn’t until 5.10pm later that day Clowes called 999 asking for an ambulance – after he failed to check on her for many hours.
Even though Clowes knew that Clare couldn’t seek for help on her own, he nevertheless did this.

Clare was found by the medics on her bed, regrettably already dead.
She had burns on her arms, elbows, thighs, feet, back, and bottom that were 30% full thickness. According to a pathologist, she died as a result of being burned, Birmingham Live says.
Yesterday, November 28, at Stafford Crown Court, Clowes of Audley, Staffordshire, was found guilty of gross negligence manslaughter.

Following the verdict, detective chief inspector of the Staffordshire Police’s Major Investigations Department, Cheryl Hannan, said: “I welcome today’s verdict.
“Clare should have been able to trust Mark to look after her when she was incapable. He didn’t do anything for Clare until it was too late.”
Clowes is due to be sentenced on February 2.