<span;>This week, a Nigerian guy and his accomplice took an Indian woman named Barnali Baruah Saikia hostage in Lagos. She was freed and returned to her homeland.

<span;>On October 28, 2023, Barnali, a boxer and fitness coach from Guwahati, Assam, went to Nigeria for vacation. While there, she was kidnapped by a man only known as King and held captive for 14 days.

<span;>About six months ago, Barnali’s husband, Nayan Saikia, introduced her and their family to the Nigerian man over social media.

<span;>After that, Barnali and King became close via video calls and chats. As their relationship became closer, she decided to travel to Nigeria on a tourist visa to meet him.

<span;>But when he arrived to meet her at the Lagos airport, he stole her passport, visa, and cash, so it wasn’t a joyous meeting between the two pals.

<span;>She was then taken prisoner by King and his accomplice, Daniel, and was unable to get in touch with her relatives.

<span;>Thankfully, on the fourth day of her incarceration, she was able to make contact with her family via a WhatsApp call, asking for their assistance in securing her release from her captors.

<span;>It was said that she was confined to a room and was not provided with adequate nourishment.

<span;>In the meantime, King called the family members, including her parents, demanding ransom in exchange for her release.

<span;>He was said to have threatened her parents, which made them file an FIR with the Dispur Police station, stating that Barnali was not allowed to reach the airport by King despite having a return ticket booked by her husband on November 13, at 10:45pm.

<span;>The family also contacted the Delhi Crime Branch for additional assistance to ensure their daughter returns home safely.

<span;>Confirming the development to The Assam Tribune on Tuesday, November 21, her husband, Nayan Saikia said he sought the help of Indian authorities to intervene for the safe release of his wife from King.

<span;>”I was acquainted with King for a quite a long time. When my wife wished to visit Nigeria, I asked King to show her around during her stay in the country. During the initial three days, he behaved properly with my wife, however, on the fourth day he took my wife outside to exchange currency but she never reached the bank as King held her captive in a room for 14 days and snatched her money, visa and passport. She was not even provided water to drink,” he narrated.

<span;>”Although they snatched her money and passport, she was given her phone to contact her family. She told us over WhatsApp call how they refused to provide her drinking water and food owing to which she had to survive drinking from the sink water tap in the bathroom,” he revealed. Nayan informed that the accused asked him to pay money for her release.

<span;>”King said that he was going to extend her visa as she was on a tourist visa and it was expiring soon. I asked him not to extend the visa and release her immediately but instead, he demanded money in exchange to set her free. I have records of paying him up to Rs. 1 lakh.”

<span;>Revealing how his wife was rescued from the clutches of the captors, Nayan informed that it happened with the help of the media and Nigerian nationals who were studying in Assam.

<span;>”When the news was broadcasting on media channels, the Nigerian students who were studying here contacted their country to inform them of the situation. Furthermore, my friend owns a hotel in Nigeria, 40 km away from the place where my wife was held hostage. He also helped us with the rescue. They put efforts to persuade them saying they would land into trouble if she was not released immediately. Eventually, they had to release her and she reached Mumbai on November 18.”

<span;>Speaking about the few reports quoting police authorities stating that it was not a “kidnap,” Nayan stated, “My wife, Barnali, was indeed held captive by the miscreants and we were demanded a ransom for her release. I don’t know what the appropriate term media or police would use.” The only thing my wife and her family are protected from harm is all that matters to me.”

<span;>Nayan went on to say that although she did not experience physical harassment while under the captors’ control, the lack of food and water for the entire 14-day period had left her emotionally and physically weak.