A crowd in Gomoa Akotsi, in Ghana’s Central region, lynched a 34-year-old Nigerian man, simply known as Ikechukwu, after he was accused of stabbing two women.

Eyewitnesses claim that Ikechukwu, also referred to as “Nose Mask,” stabbed a young woman in their home and then proceeded to gusher out her intestines when confronted by the inhabitants for the first act.

According to the residents, the Nigerian has been renting a room in the property for the past 11 months, and they believe that his activities may be related to spirit practises.

On Tuesday, November 29, 2023, an eyewitness described the occurrence to media present at the scene.

“We questioned who did it and the girls in the house knew it was the Nigerian. We found the woman in a pool of blood and got a cab to take her to Winneba. The witness stated, “He locked the door and began throwing stones as soon as he saw us, so we forced entry and broke in.”

“When we got inside, he had a cutlass in his hand, so he stabbed the first woman inside, removing her guts in the process. I was the only one who had to struggle with him to get the knife since everyone else became terrified.”

“The first victim is a woman who shares a home with her, while the second victim is an Akoti native. He began hurling stones as he completed the first one and noticed us approaching. Whether or if he is accurate will be decided by his landlord.”

The Gomoa Ojobi police sent the deceased person’s body to the police mortuary for preservation, while the two victims were taken to the Winneba Trauma and Specialised Hospital for treatment.