Imagine waking up every day with the fear that your gender alone makes you a target. Imagine walking down the street, feeling the weight of unwanted stares or threats. Imagine being told that your pain isn’t valid simply because “that’s how things have always been.” For millions of people—especially women and girls—this isn’t just a nightmare. It’s reality.
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is one of the deepest injustices in our world today. It happens when someone is harmed, abused, or mistreated simply because of their gender. It happens in homes, workplaces, schools, and even in places meant to be safe, like religious institutions or hospitals. It is woven into cultures, traditions, and even laws that fail to protect those most vulnerable.
But here’s the truth: violence should never be normal. No one—no woman, no girl, no man, no boy—should ever suffer simply because of their gender.
Understanding Gender-Based Violence
GBV takes many forms. For some, it’s the physical abuse of a partner behind closed doors, the bruises covered with makeup or long sleeves. For others, it’s the fear of walking home alone at night, keys clutched between their fingers as makeshift weapons. It’s being denied education because “a girl’s place is in the home.” It’s being told that being a man means never showing weakness, even when hurting inside.
It’s the reality of young girls forced into child marriage before they can dream of a future. It’s the pain of survivors who are too afraid to speak up because society often blames the victim instead of the abuser. It’s the silence in classrooms where girls drop out because of sexual harassment, or boys are bullied for not being “man enough.”
Gender-based violence doesn’t just affect individuals. It destroys families, weakens communities, and holds entire societies back from progress. When half of the population lives in fear, we all suffer.
Why No One Deserves This
Some people justify gender-based violence with culture, tradition, or religion. They say, “That’s just the way things are,” as if suffering is a destiny assigned at birth. But let’s be clear—no tradition, no culture, no belief system should ever justify pain, abuse, or inequality.
Being a woman should not mean being afraid. It should not mean being forced into silence, submission, or suffering. It should not mean being paid less for the same work or being seen as less capable simply because of gender.
Being a man should not mean being pressured into violence, dominance, or emotional numbness. It should not mean being denied the right to express feelings, seek help, or reject harmful ideas of masculinity.
Every human being, no matter their gender, deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, and fairness. Violence is not love. Control is not care. Silence is not consent.
The Devastating Impact of GBV
Gender-based violence doesn’t just leave bruises—it leaves deep emotional, psychological, and generational wounds. Survivors often struggle with trauma, depression, and anxiety long after the abuse has ended. Many blame themselves, thinking they could have done something different, when in reality, the only person responsible is the abuser.
Children who grow up witnessing GBV are also deeply affected. Some boys grow up believing that violence is a normal way to express power. Some girls grow up believing that suffering in silence is just part of being a woman. Without intervention, the cycle continues.
Beyond personal pain, GBV weakens entire communities. It keeps girls out of school, limiting their opportunities. It forces women out of jobs, keeping families in poverty. It increases crime, weakens trust in justice systems, and prevents societies from growing into safer, more equal spaces.
Breaking the Cycle
Ending GBV isn’t just the responsibility of victims or survivors—it’s the responsibility of all of us. It starts with recognizing the problem and refusing to stay silent. It starts with educating young boys that strength isn’t about control and power—it’s about respect and kindness. It starts with teaching young girls that their voices matter, their dreams are valid, and their safety is non-negotiable.
It starts with stronger laws that protect survivors and punish abusers. It starts with workplaces and schools that take harassment seriously. It starts with communities that support survivors instead of shaming them.
Most importantly, it starts with you—choosing to speak up when you see injustice, choosing to listen when someone confides in you, choosing to raise children who will grow up believing in equality and respect.
A Call to Action
Imagine a world where girls can walk freely without fear. A world where boys are allowed to express emotions without being ridiculed. A world where no one is beaten, silenced, or diminished because of their gender.
That world is possible. But it won’t happen unless we all take a stand.
Speak out when you see abuse. Support survivors. Challenge harmful traditions. Teach the next generation that love should never hurt.
Gender should never determine who suffers and who is safe. No one deserves violence. No one deserves fear. And no one should ever feel powerless because of the body they were born in.
Together, we can create a world where everyone—regardless of gender—can live free, safe, and equal.