Gaslighting is a tactic used to manipulate a person to start questioning their own reality, Perception, thoughts, and sanity.

Gaslighting is a type of psychological trick intended to make someone doubt their ability to think for themselves and to feel as they do.
The victim’s mental health and well-being may suffer significantly as a result of gaslighting. Self-doubt, anxiety, sadness, and a warped perception of reality might result from it. It may be difficult for gaslighting victims to believe their own judgements or come to autonomous decisions.

The gas-lighter frequently employs strategies like:

Gas-lighters lie just to hide their bad behavior from their partners. The lies sow deep feelings of mistrust and doubts in the relationship. And what is surprising is the boldness and ease and frequency of the lies told by gas-lighters.

Gaslighting conduct is based on lying and deception. They can be incredibly persuasive even if you are aware that they are lying. You eventually begin to doubt yourself.

2. PROJECTION: Be prepared for the gas-lighter to accuse you of something they already do. It could be dishonesty or something else entirely. It frequently makes you feel as like you have to protect yourself, which detracts from The Gaslight’s great action.

the gas lighter often takes the victim’s feeling and concerns for granted, making them feel as though their emotions are invalid or unwarranted.

The goal of gaslighting is to undermine your stability since the perpetrator is aware that confusion breeds weakness. A victim frequently looks to the gas lighter—someone they feel connected to or desire acceptance from—for reassurance and security.
The victim’s mental and emotional health may be negatively impacted by prolonged gaslighting. It may also result in sadness, a sense of helplessness, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

How To Deal With Gaslighting.
Gaslighting can be difficult to spot because it frequently begins small and other behaviors can occasionally be mistaken for it. True gaslighting turns into a pattern of manipulation that is repeated repeatedly. Usually, a gas-lighter wants you to distrust your judgment and rely on their version of reality. Therefore, it’s not always gaslighting when someone disagrees with you, even in a nasty or critical manner.

It seems sense to feel a range of intense emotions when coping with gaslighting. Although all of your emotions, including anger, irritation, concern, grief, and fear, are all appropriate, try not to let them dictate how you respond in the moment. You’ll be able to manage the issue better if you maintain your composure. Given that it is wholly wrong, you may want to refute what the individual trying to gaslight you said. However, they might not let up, and if you’re upset, they can feel emboldened to continue trying to control you.

Gaslighting is effective because it perplexes you and undermines your self-assurance. The individual trying to gaslight you might conclude it isn’t worth it if you demonstrate that the behavior doesn’t upset you. Gaslighting frequently includes insults and lies in addition to deception and lying. You can let them know you won’t tolerate the conduct by calling it out in a calm and assertive manner. Don’t be hesitant to speak up because doing so will encourage people to respect your privacy more.

Even if attending to your physical and emotional needs is unlikely to directly address the gaslighting, excellent self-care can still have a positive impact by elevating your mood. A gas-lighter may try to make you feel unworthy of self-care, or they may characterize your actions as indulgent or sluggish. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to continue your self-care routines.
Suggest getting some physical distance and coming back to the subject later. You can focus again and unwind by taking a short stroll or heading outside. If leaving physically isn’t an option, try instead: respiration drills using a picture, object, or visualization exercise to help you ground yourself while you slowly count to 10 and repeat an encouraging mantra.
To protect oneself and seek assistance from dependable friends, family, or specialists, it is imperative to be able to recognize the behavior of gas lightning.