Fugitive US Mother Who ‘Killed Her Two Young Children Then Fled The Country Is Arrested In Britain

An American mother-of-three wanted in the US for the murder of two of her children, has been arrested in the UK after she fled 5,000 miles to Britain.

According to Mail Online, Kimberlee Singler, 35, was last seen in Colorado Springs on December 23, after she allegedly killed nine-year-old daughter Elianna and seven-year-old Aden Wentz just before Christmas.

She had been in a long legal battle with her ex-husband Kevin Wentz over the custody of their three children.

Police were called to her apartment in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains on December 19 to reports of a burglary. Officers found an injured Singler and her still-living daughter, 11, lying next to the dead bodies of her other daughter, nine, and son, seven.

But a Colorado Springs Police Department investigation found that the initial burglary report and 911 call was ‘unfounded’. It came on the same day Singler learned that a judge had ordered police to locate the children after she failed to drop them off to their father.

Detectives, who wanted her for alleged murder, attempted murder and child abuse, said she had last been seen on December 23 and believed that she had fled the state.

But last night it emerged that she was arrested in the UK ‘without incident’. Police in the US and the UK are yet to confirm where she was found. MailOnline understands that Britain’s FBI, the National Crime Agency, are handling her arrest and extradition back to the US.

If convicted when she is returned to America she faces life in prison. In 2020, Colorado abolished the death penalty.

Colorado Springs Police Department said last night that they will announce more details at a press conference on her capture.

A spokesperson for the Colorado Springs Police Department told DailyMail they are not releasing any further information about her arrest at this time.

Singler was involved in a lengthy custody battle with her ex-husband, and was just days away from losing the kids.

On Sunday, Wentz released photos of his two children and their names: Daughter Elianna ‘Elie’ Wentz, 9, and Aden, 7.

Wentz put out a press release Sunday that both revealed the names of his two deceased children and also told his side of what happened leading up to their deaths.

He claims the incident is related to his divorce to Singler, which dates back to September 2018.

Wentz claims that Singler made allegations of both domestic violence and child abuse against him, which a Larimer County court found unsubstantiated, with Wentz deemed not a threat to the kids.

Singler had to obtain a Temporary Protection Order in El Paso County against Wentz after she alleged he brandished a knife at her.

Wentz denies the charge but the order stood until January 24 with an appeal hearing scheduled.

Singler filed another emergency motion in county court on November 17 to try and restrict Wentz’s parenting time based on those same allegations, but the court rescinded the order after they found there was no imminent threat.

Larimer County Court even ordered Singler to pay Wentz’s legal bills and give him makeup time to cover what he’d lost from the order.

Singler, Wentz claims, did not comply with those directives and did not bring the kids to Wentz on their scheduled December 16 exchange date.

Both he and his legal representatives tried to contact his ex-wife but got no response.

Wentz was granted an Emergency Motion for Law Enforcement Assistance to Enforce Parenting Time on December 18 and scheduled a Status Conference for two days later, ordering Singler to appear with the children.

But by December 19, two of the three children were dead.

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